Getting older means a wealth of exciting positives like hard-earned wisdom, financial prosperity, and deep, loving connections with lifelong friends and family. But it also means you are getting ready for the hormonal roller coaster ride of menopause! Our Free Body & Mind Transformation Guide for Women in Menopause will show how you can reclaim your health and your life to become the real-life Superwoman you’re meant to be. The “Big M” brings with it a host of upsetting physical, psychological, and emotional changes that can negatively impact your quality of life. But do these hormonal changes have to impact your mental wellbeing and self-confidence? Does making lasting changes towards staying healthy to have to feel like an overwhelming challenge?
No matter how hopeless you might feel, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel! Using the right tools, you can look and feel amazing—with more confidence than ever before.

How Can I Reclaim My Vitality?
Navigating menopause starts with the three main pillars of The JOC Method:
Pillar One: Transformational Exercises
Transformational exercise offers a new outlook on staying fit—it’s not just mindless reps and cardio, ladies! The purpose-driven philosophy behind this Transformation Guide for Women in Menopause is designed to help you create lasting lifestyle changes that support your goal of a strong, confidence-packed menopause journey. The process of changing your body and mind is NOT easy, but you have the unique power to dig deep and put in the work to achieve amazing results.
How do you find the right diet and exercise routine for you? The secret is not in fad diets, a “revolutionary” workout plan, or gadgets that promise to help you shed 50 lbs overnight. The key is hard work, determination, and a support system that prioritizes YOU and your dreams.
Pillar Two: An All-natural, Whole-foods-based Approach to Nutrition
Have you tried the Mediterranean way of nourishing your body? We are huge fans here at The Body Academy! Make sure you are incorporating plenty of healthy fats, grains, and protein into your diet to fuel those sweat sessions at the gym. Our programs come with a complete, customized nutrition plan to take the guesswork out of healthy eating. You don’t have to deprive yourself to eat smarter and achieve your fitness goals.
Pillar 3: A Positive Mindset and Strong Partnership with Your Transformation Coach
The final pillar of this Transformation Guide for Women in Menopause involves the one-on-one butt-kicking support of a transformation coach. Many of our JOC Superwomen praise their bond with their transformation coach as one of the most powerful relationships they have ever experienced. Having a positive, loving influence by your side is essential! Who is on your team? Who is in your corner?
While you may have tried to lose weight in the past and failed, today is a new day. A transformation coach holds you accountable to your fitness goals and helps you cast aside the negative idea of menopause for a fresh perspective. You have and are everything you need to become a Superwoman. You just need that little push to help you reach your full potential!
Transform Your Body AND Mind for Better Health
Looking good isn’t everything! You also want to feel great and preserve your body for a long, fulfilled life. So what benefits do transformational exercise and transformation coaching have beyond weight loss?
Lose Weight and Improve Fitness
No Body Transformation Guide for Women in Menopause would be complete without a candid discussion around weight loss. While you likely want to lose weight, the number on the scale is not your only measurement of progress! Weight loss has a variety of physical, emotional, and mental benefits that you will immediately notice. A few extra pounds can quickly drain your energy levels, turning even a brief walk around the neighborhood or supermarket into a marathon. Losing weight makes it easier for your joints to support you, therefore minimizing irritating aches and pains. You’ll start to feel more comfortable and prepared for every workout.
We know getting started in your Superwoman journey is a daunting prospect. Books and websites are jam-packed with a dizzying array of one-size-fits-all diets and workouts, each promising extreme results. But which is right for you and your body? Your expert transformation coach eliminates the need for exhausting and possibly ill-advised research. They listen to your unique needs and lifestyle preferences and help curate a weight loss strategy that will get the best results for YOU.
Get Superwoman Confidence
Losing those stubborn pounds also contributes to an increased confidence level, both in your fitness regimen and in your everyday life. Not only will you appreciate what you see in the mirror, but you’ll feel that you can finally take control of your life and be the engineer of your own success story. Weight loss is a strong visual indication of our dedication to our physical and mental health, and we hope this Free Body Transformation Guide for Women in Menopause will help you discover your own positive journey through menopause!
Enhance Your Mood and Promote Full-Body Balance
Exercise is a natural mood booster. How amazing do you feel after a jog in the park vs. a day on the couch? Just a little positive motion helps you feel more invigorated and powerful. Not only does transformational exercise trigger endorphins—the feel-good chemicals that perk up your mood naturally—but it can also bring a strong sense of balance to your mind.
Despite the benefits of transformation exercise on mood enhancement and full-body balance, it might sound impossible to squeeze workouts into your already busy schedule. This is another benefit of working alongside a skilled transformation coach! They’re able to help you find the right time of day to fit a workout into your schedule and craft a workout that has maximum impact. They’ll also promote accountability to your diet and exercise plan each week so you stay laser-focused on reaching your goals—even when you’re tired and busy!
Lessen Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are the absolute worst. But they’re also one of the most common symptoms disrupting the lives of pre-and-post-menopausal women. Hot flashes cause intense internal heat waves, increasing sweat, body temperature, and heart rate while extinguishing your good mood. Hot flashes can turn a great day into an anxiety-ridden nightmare. Regular exercise can help ease these symptoms by reducing body perspiration and regulating temperature swings.
Boost Energy
While a ‘woman in menopause’ might trigger thoughts of rocking chairs and knitting needles in some, we know that is not the case. You have a bustling career, a busy social life, and maybe a household abuzz with the energy of children or grandchildren. You need more energy than ever to tackle this exciting part of your life, and menopause can quickly steal it away from you.
How can this Free Body Transformation Guide for Women in Menopause help you take your energy back from the grasp of menopause? If you’re frequently feeling fatigued, transformational exercise can help revitalize your energy levels. By implementing the right exercise regimen into your week, you can wake up each day feeling more ready than ever before.
Build Stronger Bones
After age 50, typically around the onset of menopause, bone loss begins to accelerate. This Transformation Guide for Women in Menopause highlights some of the ways you can put in the work so you can hold on to healthy bones for the long haul!
Even before you reach the age of 50, it’s important to take steps that support bone health. This includes eating calcium-rich foods, reducing alcohol intake, and quitting smoking. But, perhaps most importantly, you can fight bone loss through a smart exercise routine.
Weight training helps build strong, powerful bones. Striking the right balance is key—a weight too light has little impact, while a weight too heavy can lead to serious injury. Your transformation coach can help you pinpoint your ideal barbell or dumbbell weight and help build a weight lifting program to fit your specific needs.
Improve Cardiovascular Health
Women over 50 years old are at the greatest risk for heart attack, stroke, or death from heart disease. Heart health is not something you can achieve in just a few workouts—it’s a benefit of a long-term commitment to your health and fitness. Maintaining heart health means doing your cardio, Superwoman! But there are plenty of ways to get creative so cardio isn’t boring or monotonous. Not sure where to begin? Don’t wait until you’re well into your menopause journey before getting help. Start working with a transformation coach in your early 40s. They can help you establish a fitness routine that’ll preserve your healthy ticker for your long, happy life.
Menopause can negatively impact your energy and confidence levels, zapping your enjoyment of your 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s—an electrifying and satisfying period of life! We hope you use the information in our Free Body Transformation Guide for Women in Menopause to flip the script on what menopause means for your health and fitness. NOW is the best time of your life. Sign up for The Body Academy today and get the transformation coaching you need to live life to its fullest—at any age!